Galerie Parisa Kind
Frankfurt, Germany
March 13 – April 24, 2021
For this exhibition at Galerie Parisa Kind, Mike Bouchet has developed an entirely new body of work based around a material he has been investigating for the last 10 years: candied gelatin.
These Red Bull flavored sculptures made from sugar and gelatin are mixed or coated with a product from the food industry that gives the sculptures a range of metallic colors and surfaces which then are cast or poured onto panels, table constructions or blue carpet.
The materiality of the candied gelatin objects play with our expectations of the object properties. Moreover, our perception is also put to the test in terms of the relationship between form and material, with many conflations between material states: hard and soft, edible and non-edible, fascination and repulsion. Although the exhibition strongly emphasizes formal relationships and modern processes, its main focus is on the sensual experience of materials, which the artist considers an essential and unique value of art in this contradictory world, and challenging times, characterized by complexity and confusion.